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June 27, 2023
Chapter 1.3: Randomness, Probability & Stochastic

Chapter 1.3.1: Some Basic Definitions It's time to talk about real randomness now, randomness, which we can add to the networks, that we have build so far. To get at least a whiff of a systematic approach to the surprisingly huge amount of techniques and modules wearing the word “random” in their names I ́d […]

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June 17, 2023
Chapter 1.2: Other devices generating regular cycles

Chapter 1.2.1: Looping Envelopes If our envelope generator is equipped with an end-of-cycle output/signal jack, we can make the envelope loop. There are advantages and disadvantages (like always) of using a looped envelope instead of an LFO. The biggest advantage are the two, three, four or more stages of the envelope, which allow us to […]

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May 24, 2023
Chapter 1: Real Randomness vs. Complex Cycles

Chapter 1.1: LFOs When we hear “permanently changing” most of us will surely think of sample and hold units at first.And, yes, S&H units are important engines to drive our generative patches. But what about clock generators and LFOs (the latter being able to serve as clock generators as well)? “Why, LFOs generate regularly repeating […]

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May 23, 2023
Chapter 0: About this e-Book & Generative

A foggy environment that does not always makes sense. Do you know this? You see and hear somebody doing something interesting, something beautiful, something you would like to do too. You try. It ́s not what you had expected it to be, it ́s not how you had expected it to be. So you fiddle […]

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May 23, 2023
Index: A Systematic Introduction To Making Generative Music With Modular Synths

Welcome to this first part of a really long series of articles, articles which will enable you to produce not only “just some kind of” generative music, but truly great generative music by following a strategic and efficient but also joyful approach. There are going to be more than 200 pages (well, in my book […]

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